Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi my name is Guillermo Vela III

I live in 4006 Blue Jay drive.

I am in the 8Grade at IDEA Mission College Prep.  My favorite subject is cooking.I am involved in schools activities, such as cooking etc.  I also enjoy the other classes.  ex: expirements.  Three words that describe me are smart, thinker, & outgoing.


The person I admire most is Ms.grazier because she is nice and helps us with what we need.


If I could be anything I wanted to be, I would become a chef because I love to cook and I will do anything to be the best at what I am good at.


When I go to college, I will study culinary arts.  I will attend le cordon bleu University.  I chose this college because it is the number 1 culinary arts college in france.   Something I think I will be challenging in college is showing up.


Something I think will be fun in college is the dormitory.


After college I will become a high class chef for my very own restaurant.